This post is the last job in setting up this website. I’ve been a bit like the carpenter who never quite finishes building his own house. However, here it is. Most of the things that need doing are done.
No doubt, over time, things will be added and changed, but for the moment it’s fine.
Word of mouth has been the best way to grow this business so far, however, Monomeath Web Solutions will be a good way for people who need a hand on the web to get in touch.
It is a fine Autumn day in Central Queensland. The air is still a bit muggy after a week of good rain following the hottest, driest summer on record.
There is a strong sweet scent in the air, and looking out my office door I can see wattle trees in massive bloom. The grass has done its usual trick after rain and gone from dead brown a few days ago, to emerald green.
O.K. back to the keyboard. This post will be categorized under ‘Ramblings’, a category I will probably only use occasionally.
The main aim of this blog will be to share some thoughts and ideas about owning, operating and improving websites.
The main aim of this blog will be to share some thoughts and ideas about owning, operating and improving websites.
I enjoy building websites; however, I can tend to forget just how foreign the world of operating a website can be for newbies.
I will try to present information that will help people starting out, as well information for the more experienced.
I remember teaching my parents to use a computer. They were well on in years, but with gentle steps, and full explanation of the basics, they soon became fairly proficient.
Running a website is a similar process. There are some basic things you need to know, and as things move along it becomes second nature. It all starts with a well built, easy to run website with good security.
Of course, your website may be a business site, with trained staff running it, but sites can always be improved.
I have helped businesses that had good looking sites but they were not getting much traffic.
A website can be like a billboard, as large and attractive as you like, unseen if it is in a shed, with the painted side against the wall.
Do you need a personal blog, a site for a not-for-profit organization or business, or need things done to improve your present site. If so, contact me or browse more information